How to Create a Beautiful Landscape That Will Add Value to Your Property

Landscaping can add great value to your commercial or residential property besides making you a proud property owner. Turn your landscape into a relaxation spot that instills tranquility and serenity to your property.

Here are some great tips to make your landscape awesome:

Perennial Appeal

Evergreen shrubs are a must-have since they retain color and provide cover for the entire year. Such flora should be planted around corners in particular to alleviate the sharpness of your property’s corners.

Great Walkway

You should set up a pleasant looking walkway that blends in with the landscape. Visitors can then reach the entrance without trampling away at your precious landscape and leaving a telltale trail of crushed grass. Pulverized stone, decorative bricks, flagstones and even concrete steps can create a nice walkway.


If you have a large empty looking lawn and would like to put in something that looks truly natural and contrasting at the same time, you can try putting in some big rocks. These very large smooth boulders will truly stand out and the best part is that they are zero maintenance besides being aesthetically appealing.


You can break up the banality of flat terrain by adding undulating mounds of beautifully curated flora. It will add natural looking contours to your landscape. Berms can also be lined with beautifully colored rocks, shrubs and flowers to add greater appeal. These can be placed anywhere in the landscape especially where unused space is available.

Water Feature

A water feature such as a fountain could be lined with natural colored stone to blend into your beautiful landscape. You can be a little bold and use stone that adds variety and offers a contrast to your property’s look.

Seating Arrangement

A patio complete with decks and chairs with can offer a wonderful outdoor retreat adjacent to your property. The area can be paved with stone and concrete lined with vibrantly colored flowers. It should ideally be close to trees to take advantage of the nice cool shade.

Smart Choice of Flora

All of your flora cannot be evergreen. So when you choose deciduous plants, make sure you select a variety that will bloom during different seasons. This will ensure that all parts of your landscape will have beautiful leaves throughout the year.

The Timeless Rustic Charm

You can send nostalgic vibes through your property by using wooden fencing, wagon wheels and other artifacts that can remind you of the good old times. Your landscape will become an eclectic blend of contemporary and classic styles.

Curving Contours

When you add edging round your flower beds, driveways or sidewalks, make sure that they are curved as this can complement the natural organic surroundings. Straight lines will appear rather sharp, inorganic and out-of-shape whereas curves will add grace and bring bliss.


Besides acting as guides during darkness, landscape lighting will add exotic charm and accentuate key points of your landscape.
As landscape experts, we can build great landscape around your property to give it an exotic natural touch that adds value.

If you’re interested in hiring a professional landscaper, feel free to contact us at Battle Axe Construction!